Param Pujya Guru Rajneesh Rishi Ji, Welcome You
Devotee of Lord Shani Dev - Param Pujya Guru Rajneesh Rishi Ji is a Well Known Spiritual Guru throughout 133 countries of this globe. Pujya Guru Ji have a vast and diverse Knowledge of Spirituality, Astrological Science, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Meditation etc. Engineer by Qualification Pujya Guruji is Preaching the Name of Lord Shani Dev and Ancient Knowledge of the Indian Vedas throughout the world. He Mainly Aims to Enlighten People Spiritually & also Aware Indian Public to bring Significant Changes in our Indian System to completely Stop all Social Evils
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Tuesday, May 31, 2016
You are Invited for Shani Jayanti Celebration
You are Invited for Shani Jayanti Celebration
shani Jayanti,shani amavasya,,Guru Rajneesh Rishi,Shani Sade Sati,Shani Dhaiya,Kantak Shani,Panoti,Shani ki Panoti
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Buddha Poornima with Guru Rajneesh Rishi Ji & Guru Maa Rokmani Ji
Buddha Poornima
with Guru Rajneesh Rishi Ji &
Guru Maa Rokmani Ji
Shani Peeth, 38/18, East Patel Nagar,
New Delhi, INDIA
Ph: 9818144257
Buddha Poornima - 21 May 2016
Best Astrologer in the World
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Astrologer Guru Rajneesh Rishi have a deep insight of Vedic Astrology, Face Reading, Psychic Reading. We have been practicing Vedic Astrology since 21 years.
About 30 years ago an engineering student got inspiration from within and decided to dedicate his whole life in search of "Eternal Truth" and to "Help" the people who are in trouble. After knowing Real Facts about number of so called Spiritual Gurus, many Frauds Sadhu's and Cheater - Dhongi Babas, Guru Rajneesh Rishi Ji Lived in a Graveyard ( Kabristaan ) for more than 3 years in District of Nainital and realised the Real Truth of this World. Making Almighty God his only Guru, he went deep inside to find the answers of so many unanswered questions. After 20 years of experience and knowledge he attained the supreme state.Param Pujya Guru Rajneesh Rishi Ji is a Well Known Spiritual Guru in 133 countries of this globe. Pujya Guru Ji have a vast and diverse Knowledge of Spirituality, Vedic Astrology, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra, Meditation etc. Being Eldest Son of an Great Engineer Father & after Studying Engineering Pujya Guruji is Preaching the Name of Lord Shani Dev and Ancient Knowledge of the Indian Vedas throughout the world. He Aims to Enlighten People Spiritually, Help them Astrologically & Aware Indian Public to bring Significant Changes in our Indian System to completely Stop Anti Nationalism, Anti Terrorism, All Kind of Food and Medicine Adulterations, Poverty, Corruption in Indian Politics etc.
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